MonoCrystalline Solar Panels

Product Features

➡ These cells in the panel have a pyramid pattern which offers a larger surface area to collect more energy from the sun’s rays.
➡ The top surface is diffused with phosphorous which helps to create an orientation that is electrically negative as compared to the bottom which has a positive electrical orientation, which in turn helps to create the electric field.
➡ To reduce reflection and thereby increase absorption, the cells are coated with silicon nitride.
➡ The produced electricity is collected through metal conductors printed onto the cells.
➡ Because of the above features, the main advantage of monocrystalline solar cells is the higher efficiency of conversion of solar energy into electric energy than its two other counterparts.
➡ These panels have longevity up to 30 years.
➡ These panels exhibit greater heat resistance


350Wp-370Wp(72 Cells) 270Wp-280Wp(60 cells)

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What are MonoCrystalline Solar Panels?

monocrystalline solar panel is a solar panel comprising monocrystalline solar cells. These cells are made from a cylindrical silicon ingot grown from a single crystal of silicon of high purity in the same way as a semiconductor. The cylindrical ingot is sliced into wafers forming cells. To maximize the utility of the cells, the circular wafers are wire cut to an octagonal shaped wafer. These cells have a unique look because of the octagonal shape. These cells also have a uniform colour.